Applications :
Cleaning, deburring, surface-improvement and finishing of
- Aluminum casting of all kind
- Zinc pressure die castings
- Non-ferrous metals and special alloys
- Vehicle construction
- Stainless steel castings
- Apparatus- and construction work in stainless steel
- Concrete and naturestone industry
10 | 0 - 200 |
20 | 90 - 300 |
30 | 140 - 500 |
40 | 400 - 800 |
50 | 600 - 1000 |
60 | 700 - 1250 |
100 | 1000 - 1400 |
150 | 1250 - 1700 |
200 | 1400 - 2000 |
300 | 1700 - 3000 |